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At last! You have passed through the 11th week of pregnancy. Probably you’ve felt a decreased tension, stress,  fatigue, and most especially the “disturbing” morning sickness. You will definitely notice a huge progress on your signs and symptoms. The greatest report in the 12th week of gestation is that the possibility of miscarriage has already diminished. Now, you start to feel more comfortable and energetic because the hormones in your body start to adjust within your system; at this instant you feel better not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. Maybe you won’t notice the enlargement of you uterus at the past few weeks, but at this point, you will see that the size of your uterus starts to expand and broaden up. You become pregnant and your body has undergone through different hormonal changes.

All through this time your skin becomes extremely susceptible to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays and you will be able to have darkening of the skin or small discolorations like freckles. Just use sunscreen when going out of the house to protect your sensitive skin and prevent from further blemishes. Another concern at this week includes hurtburn! You will feel a burning sensation starting from your throat down to the abdomen; this is just normal. All you have to do is to increase your fluid intake, usually before and after meals (avoid drinking water while eating), stay away from eating spicy foods, and live a healthy lifestyle. Acne is a frequent skin alteration that pregnant women usually experience; it is due to the elevated levels of progesterone in the body. If this acne of yours bothers you much, you should wash your face frequently with a mild cleanser. Remember not to use medications for acne like accutane, it is a strong medication that will lead to a negative effect for you and your baby.  Always consult your doctor.

At this week, your baby is about 2-3 inches long, and weighs ½ ounce. While he’s swimming inside your uterus, he is positively trying to make different positions now, dancing and kicking. His heart beats faster and faster at approximately 165 beats per minute and can be heard. His brain begins to produce hormones and the nerve cells of your baby are extremely multiplying fast now. The muscles and brain synchronizes that makes the baby move freely letting his fists clench and open; it’s termed as reflexes. His nervous system starts to develop and become mature. The kidneys start to produce urine and the umbilical cord as well begins in helping the blood for circulation; this cord will serve as sustenance and support for the baby for it carries oxygen and different nutrients to the placentaStarting this week, your baby’s growth and development maximizes until you reach the end of first trimester of pregnancy. 
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