Time sure flies when your having fun, another week has gone by, and without you knowing it, you’ve reached halfway of your pregnancy. You’ve probably gained about 9 to 10 pounds, but expect to gain more weight as you enter the second half of your pregnancy. Iron helps your red blood cells carry oxygen, so make sure you have enough iron in your body to keep up with your increasing blood volume. Foods which contains a good amount of iron is meat. Most pregnant women are often suggested to eat red meat as it is one of the best source of iron, poultry, and shellfish also contains a good amount of iron. Some fruits and other non-meat foods also contains iron, like prune juice, legumes, spinach, raisins, and soy-based products. Make sure to consult to your health care provider to ensure proper nutrition.
Your baby now weighs about 9 to 10 ounces and almost 9 and a half inches long from head to toe. Now that his legs are stretched a bit his length measurement is now taken from head to toe unlike the first 20 weeks where his legs are curled up against his chest. His digestive system is developing fast as he swallows more of the nutrients around him, as he digest more he is also producing more of that meconium or the black, lumpy by-product that becomes the final product of your tiny poop factory.
Your baby’s lips are starting to be more defined. You might even catch your baby sucking his thumb during your ultrasound tests. His ears and nose are also developing further as his nostrils start to open during this week. His ears can now distinguish some uterine sounds. His fingernails are also starting to form as well as tiny hair sprouts. This week will be the best week to have your ultrasound in order to determine the accuracy of your due date. Wondering if it’s pink or blue mittens? This week your baby will cooperate more during this test as his legs are starting to stretch a bit.
First time moms might be a bit anxious on having an ultrasound test. No need to be nervous because ultrasound is safe. Even most moms finds it somewhat comfortable procedure. It is a big help for the physicians in order to determine more information about the development of your baby. it also allows you to know the gender of your baby. but if you don't want to know it just yet, better tell your doctor before taking the test. Many pregnant women ask the same question. “What to eat”? What to wear”? But there is a question that brings curiousness in most partners. Many doctors have been asked many times before... “is it really safe to have sex during pregnancy”? Well, as long as your doctor does not prohibit you to do it, its totally fine. In fact, sex is a good way to “touch bases” with your husband and is a good stress reliever. But in some cases, your health care provider might not allow you to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy due to risk of miscarriage.
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